Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Boneless Buffalo Wings

I'm stuck with a craving for boneless Buffalo wings.

Tonight Brick took the night off and we were gong to go out for supper. After our usually rundown "Where do you want to eat?" "I don't care. Where do you want to eat?" we finally decided on Chilis and were headed that way when the work phone rang.

There was a bad accident and they wanted Brick to come in. I could see where this was going and started suggesting a place that was in the area that we could be in and out of in minutes but Brick had Chilis programmed and there was no disuading him.

We got there and placed our orders with an appetizer of Queso which was necessary because our blood sugar was in the dangerous area. The phone rings again and it quickly becomes obvious we won't be staying for supper.

When the Server got there with the Queso and drinks I asked her to cancel the rest of the order because we were going to have to leave. She was great about the whole thing; cancelled the rest of the order, packaged the queso, chips, and drinks to go, and got our check while Brick got the car started and met me at the front door.

We rushed home and Brick changed while I got him a sugar soda and some peanuts to keep him going till he could eat real food and he was gone.

The irony is all the years of panic and fear and having to leave places because of me...that never happens anymore. We only leave now because of him.

It doesn't bother me. It's part of the job. We tip well for any trouble we cause. There's no shame in it like there was when we left because I had a panic attack. It kind of keeps life interesting.

But I still want boneless Buffalo wings and I'm not sure where to get them.


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