Saturday, November 12, 2005


Ever since Zelda moved out I've been trying to rearrange the house and every time I start to make some headway I run into another Brick-Block.

Want to redo Zach's room? Brick needs to move 2 pieces of furniture before I can do it. In twelve days he hasn't managed to find the fifteen minutes it would take for him to do it.

Want to move the storage so I can get around the bed without tripping? Waiting on Brick.

Want to get rid of the old bed and couch? Waiting on Brick.

Want the hot water for a bath? Waiting on Brick.

There are at least twenty things where I've made the offer of 'I'll do 95% of what needs doing if you'll do the 5% I can't do.' and he's done none of them. This isn't counting the 'Honey-do' things that have needed doing for 10+ years that I've given up on completely. Dishwasher breaks? Maybe I'll get around to replacing it after 12 years.

The result of this is I don't give a damn about this place. Every once in awhile something will happen like Zelda leaving that will give me hope that maybe things can be a little better, a little different, maybe he'll do something, but I run smack into the reality of life with Brick.

He has shelves where he keeps his things that he hasn't cleaned or straightened in over three years and if I go messing with them I'll pay. It's not worth it.

Freedom to me looks like 2 suitcases of essentials and an open door. He can have it all.


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