Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?

After a week of living in her own place, Zelda, and her laundry, are coming home.

Her room is clean with fresh sheets on the bed. I need to deep clean her bathroom but there's a place for her to stay if she doesn't want to make the drive back.

I haven't missed her too badly. It helps that she was hardly ever home when she lived here. It helps that I talk to her every day. It helps that Brick and I went to her house for supper on Sunday.

So far we're making time for each other instead of taking each other for granted so it may even turn out to be a good thing. I asked her to set aside some time next week for the two of us to get together and I'll take her to eat and we'll go shopping. Having a child move out but stay close is definitely easier than having them move across the country.


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