Thursday, November 03, 2005

I Don't Trust You

Once trust is lost, it takes a lot to get it back. It seems like every important man in my life I have reached the point where I've thought 'I don't trust you.' I often wonder if its them or if its all me.

I did have an Uncle that never let me down. A couple of Grandfathers who always tried to do the right thing and if there was any disappointment it was because they were in an impossible situation where they couldn't make everyone happy. With Zack there were moments as he was growing up but never anything major.

Most guys I have a 'Fool me once...' policy and walk away fast. Most get the message and go away but there's one that just doesn't get it. I've come to view him as selfish and self absorbed and stopped trusting him with personal information or tender feelings years ago. Things drift along for months till he needs something then he shows up with proclamations of 'You know I'm your best Friend? I'd be there for you if you ever needed me. You're so important to me, Maggie. I'm so glad we're friends. Want to have fun? We could meet somewhere and you can make me cum!'

Oh. Please!

No, you're not my best friend. I don't even consider you a friend, certainly not a good one. You're an acquaintance that has just a little too much information for me to verbally rip your face off. The reason I'm polite (barely) is not a sign I like you but a sign of just how little I trust you. You aren't there when I need you. You never think to inquire if I need you. When I have straight out told you I needed you, you have always minimized my feelings as being not as important as yours. I'm not important to you at all except as someone you can use. And no, I don't want to meet you somewhere and make you cum.


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