Sunday, November 06, 2005

Waiting on a Train

Brick and I went to Graffittis for pizza today and took a connecting road to save time and came upon a line of cars waiting for a train to cross the road. Some didn't want to wait and would turn around and go back the way we came. Brick wasn't going to do that. He'd just move forward, filling the space the departed had left behind.

There is a road that parallels the train tracks so after about 10 minutes of waiting cars started pulling out, driving on the wrong side of the road, and going to the parallel road. There were a number of near head on collisions as people driving on the wrong side would meet up with people entering the road from where they were trying to get. Luckily, there was a good shoulder and no one actually hit each other.

A fire engine with lights and sirens going even came up beside us and still the train didn't move. I started to think there had been a train accident further up the tracks and that's where the fire engine was going and that's why the train wasn't moving.

As cars pulled out and went to the parallel road we kept moving forward, one car length at a time, getting closer and closer to the train and the road. When we were about 7 cars back and had been there 25 minutes I asked Brick if he wasn't going for the exit because he felt it wasn't safe or because it was illegal and he said 'This is a no passing zone. I won't drive on the wrong side of the road.'

Finally after 35 minutes enough cars had exited that we were at the parallel road and Brick turned onto it. We went along, looking at the train, waiting to come upon the accident that had caused it to sit motionless for over a half hour blocking the road that led to the county hospital.

There was no accident.

The train was just sitting there for no discernable reason.

At least the pizza was good.


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