Friday, January 20, 2006

The Window to a Person's Soul...

...has become the refrigerator door.

If you look at a person's fridge you find out who they are. Why go snooping through medicine cabinets like the old days? (do people still have medicine cabinets?!) No need to go through drawers and hidden spaces. It's all in the open for anyone to see. You just have to know how to read it.

My fridge loudly proclaims I'm a smart assed white girl. I have dozens of magnets that tell you that. I dream of trains, and faraway places. I like pigs and chili peppers. I read Opus. Look inside and you'll see that healthy is not high on my list. I don't do 'low-fat' or 'low carb' and I don't do Velveeta. I have a freezer full of sweet things, just in case, and a wide variety of sodas, diet and not, because I want what I want when I want it and I want it cold. So we can add self-indulgent and impatient to the list. Adding to the impatient column, there are no things that have passed their expiration date. With most things, when they're done I walk away.

It's not just me. What does a fridge covered in multicolored plastic letters, drawings, and school papers say? A spotless fridge? One that has nothing but beer and take out from a month ago inside?

Except for the spotless and empty types, I doubt any two fridges are exactly the same. Sort of like fingerprints. The trick is in knowng what they say.


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