Monday, February 13, 2006

Another Brick in the Wall

I've adjusted to eating a new way. I'm even enjoying it. Food tastes different without all the fat and grease. Good different! It's the constant battle with Brick that is wearing me down.

Last night I offered to take him to dinner. I told him I was willing to cheat a little and enjoy a (reasonably) good meal. Let's go out and have a good time. I made a number of suggestions and he turned them all down. I could see where it was going so I said he could pick wherever as long as I could get a side salad. I figured I could at least get out of wherever for $2.99 to $5.99.

He chose Golden Corral.

Where I spent $9.79 for about 15 leaves of wilted spinach, 2 chunks of cantalope, and 1 chunk of honeydew. And spent an hour getting lectured about trying new things and being told I should eat the beans (that were coated in grease). I pointed out that I have tried new things all week (I poached fish!) and he smugly asked 'What have you tried new tonight?" I am not wasting my cheating fat/calories/sodium on garbage.

He has to be doing this on purpose because it's not possible that he's that stupid!

I'm seeing how I developed a lot of my phobias, particularly the one about eating out in public.

On the good 10 days I already feel so much better. I can see physical changes. I can see my ankles!


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