Thursday, February 09, 2006

Just Passing Through

A neighbor came to me the other day and told me there was a dog who needed a home immediately or it would be killed.

I didn't want a new dog. I didn't need a new dog. I don't have time for a new dog.

But I couldn't let her get shot so I said I'd take her even if it might be temporary until she could find a permanent home.

Today, just as I was getting ready to leave, a message came across the Freecycle about a couple who had lost their dog and wondered if anyone had one like it available. The dog they had loved and lost was named 'Maggie'.

I spoke to the Daddy-to-be and I'm sure that she will be getting a loving home that is perfect for her.

Sometimes the universe works. Sometimes everything falls in place so the right things happen to the right people (and dogs). She's been a joy to have. A loving, cute, playful, fun little dog. But I'm thrilled to be sending her to the family where she belongs.

And it's really good, especially now, to have a reminder that things work out for the best.


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