Saturday, February 04, 2006

"I'm going to become a Baptist!"

I love Oscar month on Turner Classic Movies. It's a chance to see movies that I can watch over and over again. The downside is days where I've seen every movie too many times already but somewhere out there is someone who enjoys seeing The Sands of Iwo Jima as much as I love Sunset Blvd.

The best thing is discovering new movies I may have never heard of before. One Foot in Heaven is on this morning and it's wonderful. It is the best illustration of a minister's life that I have ever seen. I am reminded of my Grandparents and their lives. It deals with the struggles and realities of parsonages, funding, obstinate church-members, raising children who are known as wild Preacher's Kids, gossip, looking 'nice' but not too nice, and how hard it is to maintain faith and perspective when serving as a Minister.


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