Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Medical Malcompetence

I actually like my HMO. It's never given me too many problems, given me waivers for extra services, been easy to deal with, let's me pick my own doctors from a wide pool of choices.

That's where there's a problem.

In the last few months our Primary Care Physician has: messed up Brick's perscriptions several times, left Zelda in the waiting room bleeding and needing stitches for a couple of hours, made Brick wait so long for a scheduled appointment that he had to leave or he was going to miss work (3 hours after his scheduled appointment time), misdiagnosed my kidney stone after a cursory examination, and today told me it was too much trouble to take a message concerning a referral, call back another day.

There has to be another practice in our area that our plan covers and we're switching to it.


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