Saturday, January 21, 2006

The Need for Grand Gestures

Maybe it's just me but I'm starting to think that most men have never been clued in on the importance of the Grand Gesture. Those ain't no mountain high enough-radar love moments that illustrate the depth of a man's feelings.

If they only missed the opportunities where their women were concerned I'd say they just didn't care very much. That if they mattered the guy would make the Grand Gesture. I tend to take things personally like that. But then the Grand Gesture moment comes in their daughters' lives, daughters that I know they adore like I know that I'm breathing, and it still doesn't occur to them.

When Merv's girl had bad news this week my immediate reaction was 'So when are you going to see her?' and it was obvious that it hadn't even occurred to him. There are times when a Daddy needs to get in the car or hop on a plane and travel 500 miles and take his daughter to lunch, look her in the eyes and say "I love you no matter what.' If there was any question in her mind whether she could depend on him, the 500-mile trip answered it.

There are crucial moments in each person's life. Moments where everything changes. Where the decision you make effects everything that comes after. If someone you love is facing one of those, you don't let them face it alone, you don't stay quiet because you don't know what to say, and you don't figure you can take care of it later. Sometimes you have one shot. Sometimes there is no later.


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