Saturday, January 28, 2006

Brokeback for Two

Brick has decided he's going to see Brokeback Mountain with me.

I usually don't go to movies twice. I can't remember the last movie I saw in a theater more than once. It was probably back in the pre-VCR days. I have favorite movies that I've seen time-after-time but that's on tape/DVD/cable. The reason I'm going to see this one is that it's playing at a local theater and I near terrorized the poor 19-year-old manager when he told me it wouldn't be playing there. I threw such a fit about how people would attend good, independent films (as opposed to blockbusters) that I feel honor bound to show up and buy a ticket.

So why is Brick going?

Maybe he wants to protect his rep as a liberal heathen. Maybe my descriptions have reassured him that it isn't two hours of male nudity and make-out sessions so it's safe. Maybe it's become such a topic of discussion he doesn't want to miss it. Whatever the reason, I'm glad he's going. Discussing movies with him later is half the fun of going.


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