Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Would love...

...to have been a witness to this conversation.

"Mr. President, you have to go to Atlanta, walk into a room of 10,000 people, most of them hostile to you, sit on camera for three hours and thirty+ speakers, and take it."

Must not have gone over well. Wonder if that messenger got shot?

But he came, and so far he's sitting there and he's taking it. And is he getting it.

I hear the phrase 'The end of an era" too many times. It's an overused phrase. But what else fits the death of Coretta Scott King? It is the end of an era. There is no one else like her. Most of the Civil Rights warriors are gone. This is the last hurrah.

So shut up and take it, Mr. President while every contender for your throne milks this for every vote they can get, every leader that has felt ignored uses the platform to be heard, and former Presidents give a laundry list of their accomplishments. This is the downside of the job that gives you perks like Air Force One and being the most powerful man in the world. Sometimes you gotta be the most hated man in the room.

And smile.


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