Friday, April 21, 2006


Over lunch I hear a story about a family we know. The single mother gave her now teenaged daughter the larger bedroom when they moved into the house a few years ago. Not a choice I would have made but hey....

So the years pass, the mother starts dating and wants to have a sleepover with the new boyfriend and she tells her daughter she needs the big bedroom since she has company and the daughter needs to stay in Mom's room for the night while Mom and (married) boyfriend stay in daughter's room.


Just Eeeeeew!

If I had sex in Zelda's bed she'd want to burn the mattress. Parents don't need to be having sex in their kid's beds. Kid's don't need to be having sex on their parent's beds. Maybe I'm being a I'm not...everybody came have as much sex as they want...just respect each others space and least enough that you don't announce your intentions to have red hot monkey sex and you need extra room to do it to your child. In the bed they sleep in.


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