Saturday, May 06, 2006

Because when I think of Cowboys...

...I think of Delaware.

This week on Wife Swap one of the couples (and I use that term loosely) was a rodeo obsessed pair from Delaware. They had a know, when I think of Delaware, I think of corporations not home on the range but maybe that's just me...and they dressed in cowboy clothes at all times from the Justins to the Stetsons. The husband pinged so loudly that it was clear that there was a reason they had no romantic life (her only real complaint). The husband is into Gay Rodeo.

Not that there's anything wrong with that. But it would be nice if Cowgirl Jan and her Confused Cowpoke figured that out because they spend a lot of time going around preaching about what real women and real men do, how real families behave, and Confused Cowpoke likes to overturn tables and punch guys and hit women to prove his manliness.

It's hard to take anyone seriously that dresses that inappropriately. I may love the south but I wouldn't be wearing sundresses if I lived in Alaska. Someone needs to sit Jan and Cowpoke down and let them know that even in the heart of Texas people don't dress like that. There's a difference between 'real' Western wear and something that would fit in at a Buffalo Bill Traveling Show.

But maybe Jan and Cowpoke already know their look has nothing to do with reality and just don't care. After all, not much in their life is based in reality.


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