Saturday, June 10, 2006

Madam Is The Greatest Star Of Them All

I love this movie. Probably because I identify with Joe Gillis.

Cynical? Check. Not living up to one's promise? Check. Willing to take the easy way out? Check. Sarcastic and capable of cruelty? Check, check.

As I get older, Norma Desmond is making more sense to me. 50?! The character was fifty and she is treated as if she's ancient. Ok, so maybe 50 in 1950 is the same as 70 today but good lord.

And Max? The man who begs to stay in his exwife's life, even if it's only as a servant, so he can protect her.

The first awareness I remember of Norma Desmond is from the Carol Burnett Show. I learned to love old movies from her spoofs of them. I remember the ridiculous lengths Max would go to trying to protect Madam. I wanted a Max.

And I guess I got one.


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