Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The Very Worst Person in the World

The harsh reaction to Ann Coulter's position on the Jersey Girls is proving her point.

Coulter stated that the Jersey Girls and other people who have suffered tragedies are put out to promote political positions because they can't be criticized. The reaction to her criticism of them? She's crazy. She's cruel. She's vicious. And I've heard about their husbands burning to death as a reason why Coulter is wrong from six different sources already.

Do I think Coulter's language was harsh? Of course. But she has a valid point. If these women are going to become political activists, which they have every right to do, they need to face the criticism that should come with political action.

They can't defend themselves by saying "I had to tell my children their Daddy was dead." That's not a defense. It's a deflection.


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