Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The Break-up

Brick and I have been wanting to see a movie so we contribiuted to the $38 million+ take.

This hit way too close to home. Painfully close. I'm married to that guy. We've had those fights, done those things, gotten farther and farther apart when all we really wanted was to be together. And with all that, it was still really funny.

We're not big Jennifer Anniston fans. I'm sick of the 'Poor Jen' tabloid barrage that's gone on for the last year (Being a Team Jolie member will do that). But we love Vince Vaughn (at least since he started acting in funny movies). This isn't as great as Wedding Crashers but it's a good way to spend a summer afternoon and a nice break from Impossible X-Men Adventures


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