Sunday, May 21, 2006


Why do friends send friends emails that have been forwarded so many times it takes forever to open? Emails about health scares, virus scares, offers of gift cards from Applebees, tales of Starbucks hating the military, and a hundred other crisis that a trip to Snopes would straighten out? Do they think I want to deal with the threat of 'Send this to 10 people in 5 minutes or calamity will befall you!'?

If it's something I really need/would enjoy seeing, C&P it into a fresh email. If it's a dire warning, research the threat before you send it on. And if it's a chain, take one for the Team and break the chain. Don't pass the buck onto your friends because you don't want the bad luck to land on you.

It's the friendly thing to do.

And , no, I'm not sending it back!


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