Thursday, May 18, 2006

Will You Still Need Me...

Media as a reason for divorce? Ok, maybe. But there are so many possible reasons that seem more likely.

Even avoiding all the tabloidish gold digger stuff, how about marrying on the rebound? After being in an, by all reports, amazingly close and loving marriage for over thirty years, a grieving Widower marries too soon because he's lonely.

How about a large age difference? When you're 64, even if you're a Billionaire and a Beatle, you can seem like an old fogey stick-in-the-mud to a much younger wife.

How about the Stepkids hate her guts and make no secret of it? Never marry someone your kids hate/whose kids hate you. No matter how much you love them, it's not going to work. Date, shack up, go on long vacations together, just don't get married and try to live 24/7, 365 including, oh God!, holidays, with someone whose family wants to poison your sweet potatoes. New marriages are hard enough without having avowed enemies plotting against them.

Second marriages are the triumph of optimism over experience. Isn't that how it goes? Too often, experience wins.


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