Sunday, May 14, 2006

The Thought?

So what counts?

Zelda was telling me about her friends and their plans for Mother's Day and how some of them had a price they needed to pay for a gift or their Mothers would be upset.

So I have two choices: A gift that costs $100. It doesn't suit me. It's not something I want, need, or will enjoy but it cost $100. or A gift that cost $10. It's exactly what I want. It's what I need. It suits me and shows that the person that bought it for me knows me, knows what I like, saw the gift and knew it was perfect for me.

I'll take the $10 gift.

Zelda gave me the perfect Mother's Day. She got me a straw bag that I love. Since I've been trying to find the perfect straw bag for weeks, it was the exact right gift. We went for a road trip, had lunch at a great little place, and spent a wonderful day together. And we did it on Friday so I didn't have to deal with the crowds that will be out today.


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