Sunday, May 07, 2006

"Poor Jen"

According to Star magazine, Jennifer Anniston is crushed.

Her husband's new relationship is a humiliation. She wants a role in a movie and that she's not getting it is a sign that her Ex is pretending she never existed (not that she would be horribly miscast and doesn't resemble the person at all). Everything that happens in the world is designed to hurt her. And (the horror!) she might have to live 13 miles, as the crow flies, from her Ex and his new family.

It's getting old.

I realize that the real people have little to do with the way Tabloid Media chooses to portray them. I'm not really upset with Jennifer Anniston the person. I'm tired of the Saint Jen, the Downtrodden that the papers drag out. If she has sense, I would think she would be incredibly tired of it.

Things can happen in her Ex's life without a 'How will this affect Poor Jen' story. And while we're comparing Tabloid World to reality: First-time fathers get nervous. It's not that they're frantic with concern, the Mama's crazy/they're sane, and it's a life and death struggle, it's just the way things are.


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