Sunday, May 07, 2006

Roommaid Wanted

I see an article in Time this week about the new trend of Roommaids and thought "What a great idea." Someone who has a good income and a nice place to live exchanges room and board for housecleaning and chores.

Then I see a couple of lines that get my attention: "These relationships horrify some feminists." and " Still, the men usually set the parameters for how the relationships will work."

Ummm, that's because he's the Boss. The woman (this is usually a male/female arrangement) isn't living there because they are equal partners. She is, in effect, his employee and her salary is her living expenses. Since rent and utilities in a nice home in the areas where this is a growing trend are high, it's comparable to @ $1000+ a month. Not a bad deal in my book. So what if you don't get to have male friends over? You're at work. And you don't have a set schedule so, if you want to 'date', go to his place.

$12,000+ a year is worth a little inconvenience.


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