Thursday, May 18, 2006

The Worst Mother in the World

So, I still think the baby needs a that goes to a Childseat Inspection Station their first day on the job...but even I am starting to feel sorry for Brittney. What is she really doing that white trash doesn't do all over the country? It's just they get to do it in relative privacy and no one tsks-tsks about how they're role models.

What makes Brittney a role model? Where did anyone ever get the idea she was?
  • She's a kid whose parents are so trashy they put her on stage as a small child for their own financial enrichment (and she turned out so well, they're repeating the pattern with her younger sister!).
  • By her midteens she was writhing around in a sexually suggestive manner in a way that was marketed to every Dirty Old Man with incestuous fantasies (ok, I'll play the denial game...they don't really have incestuous feelings...they're just interested in their 15 year old daughter's best friend!)
  • She shacked up with one boyfriend and ran off and had a Vegas marriage that was shorter than Memorial Day Weekend with another.
  • She ran off with a trashy, dirty looking guy who was in a 'committed' relationship with a child and one on the way.

Have we gotten to the Role Model part yet? The part America wants their daughters to emulate?

Why should she be anymore of a good example as a mother than she has been at any other point in her life? Next thing you know, People are going to be upset with the guests of The Jerry Springer Show because they're setting a bad example.


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