Wednesday, June 07, 2006

IF They're Guilty....

They all brought up what happened and said if they were guilty they needed to be prosecuted

When they all say anything, you can pretty much bet it's bullshit. It's called the Standard Party Line and it's what you say to outsiders. Unless things have changed drastically, and from what I've heard from the latest generation, they haven't changed that much, it's still a closed off and secretive world. You only say what you really think to people you trust and you would never trust a journalist you just met. Wives and parents hear a bit more. They're most honest with one another.

My best translation? None of them think they're guilty of a damned thing. It's easy to say fellow Marines should be prosecuted if they're guilty of something when you don't consider what they've done a crime.

And do I think they're guilty? I think shit happens.


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