Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Smart Move

I thought product liabilty concerns made corporations so cautious, shit like this didn't happen anymore?

It all started with razor burn.

Trying to keep neat and tidy in a private area was causing more problems than it was solving and I can't stand the smell of dipilatories so I decided to try waxing. I let everything grow out and found a box of Surgi Wax Brazilian Bikini Wax at WallyWorld. It was messy and it was hard to keep the hard wax at the correct temperature but it worked great and didn't really hurt. So I decided my legs and underarms would enjoy waxing too.

They don't have the same kind of wax for legs. Since it's such a big area the company that made a great hard wax has a cold wax rollon with cloth strips.

Oh well..different process but great company! What could possibly go wrong?

First, the roll on wax doesn't just roll on. It hurt more trying to get the wax to 'glide' on than it hurt to rip the hairs out of my hoohah a couple of weeks ago. I tried warming it with my hands. I tried warming it with the light bulb. I tried warming it by setting it in a sink of hot water. Nada. By then I was too tired to mess with it anymore, decided to put it up and try again another day.

So during this process, I've been letting the hair on my legs and underarms grow so it would be long enough for the wax to work...which means I've been wearing long pants in Georgia in June. Back to going wrong...

Today I was going to warm the 'cold' wax in the microwave. The instructions said to do that if the hands, water, etc didn't work. The instructions didn't mention how long one should microwave the product so I figured 15 seconds.

I grabbed the bottle, the hot wax came out of top, scalding all the fingers on my right hand (1st and 2nd degree burns). I tossed the bottle away, onto my kitchen table, ruining the tablecloth and not making the table look too good either, and started running cold water over my fingers.

After all this, and soaking my hand in a glass of ice water, I decided I should at least do my legs.

The stuff didn't even work well! And within 5 minutes of starting, the wax was once again too cold to roll.

I gave up and tossed the remainder (this must be my day for tossing things away).

So now I have a burned hand, hairy legs, hairy underarms, and I think I still have some wax on my big toe.

At least I won't be able to wash dishes for about a week.


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