Friday, June 30, 2006

The Viewhaha

Maybe I'm just a contrarian but I feel bad for Star Jones Reynolds.

There really does seem to have been a concerted effort, for months, to sabotage her career. So many tidbits don't leak out of The View without it being intentional and a woman who is still complaining 20+ years later about her mistreatment as the first female nighttime anchor is someone who is not the smiling happy face she likes to project to the public. Barbara didn't know and tried to protect Star my ass.

Don't like her? Fine. Don't want her on the show anymore? Fire her ass. Think she's blind or in collusion in a marriage to a man on the down low? I'd agree with you.

But you don't collude to attack, denigrate, and destroy the career of a coworker while playing 'Miss Innocent'. It's tacky and wrong and doesn't play well on someone over the age of seventy.


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