Sunday, July 30, 2006

But...You're the Oldest!

One of the probelms with returning to college after the world's longest year off after high school is that I'm going to school with people the same age as my children.

It's interesting enough when I find myself in class with Zach and Zelda's former classmates. It's worse when they realize I'm the same age as their Moms and expect me to be in charge.

I don't want to be in charge. I'm not any good at it. I have no talent for it. I don't have time for it. If I'd wanted to ride herd on six kids, I'd have had six kids. But I find myself with the 'What do you think we should do, Miss Maggie? When do you think we should meet, Miss Maggie? Will you let everyone else know, Miss Maggie?'

Miss Maggie?!

I think they want me to set a time and demand they all show up. It ain't happening.

Now to figure out how to teach six tech savvy kids that they too can hit the reply all button on their email.


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