Monday, July 24, 2006

Maggie's Drama of the Day

The kitten runs underneath feet and he ran underneath mine yesterday and, unlike every other time, this time when I slid the foot to avoid stepping on him he went with it.. No vets on Sunday so I was frantic and showed up with him when they opened this morning.

He has a 'degloving injury'. When his little face slid along the carpet the skin came loose on his chin. They're cleaning it out, stiching him up, and pumping him full of antibiotics and he'll be fine but I'm still shaken by 24 hours of worrying myself sick that I broke his jaw and Brick (who has stepped on him numerous times too) saying things like "You need to look where you're going" in a voice that could freeze boiling water. Since he knows I still feel guilty over a squirrel that committed suicide under my car tires 15 years ago, he really needs to lay off.


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