Friday, July 21, 2006

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

Normal people, evil acts.

Is it that all of us are capable of evil but it takes special circumstances to flower or do we all do evil things all the time and get a pass for most of them?

It’s not that people like Nazis are all that different. Their evil is just less socially acceptable.

Look at the typical American family and the evil that gallops through in the name of love. People swear an oath before god to love and cherish one another and when it’s time for a divorce the knives come out and it’s not viewed as evil or a betrayal or even a social faux pas. Spousal abuse, child abuse, all explained away. That’s the way things are. People lose their tempers. Emotions get the better of folks. As long as it’s not taken to extremes, it’s accepted or society actively colludes in hiding it which is, in effect acceptance.


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