Monday, July 17, 2006

Bob Brooks, founder of Hooters, dies at 69
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Published on: 07/17/06

Robert H. Brooks, 69, founder of the Hooters restaurant chain, died Sunday morning at his home in Myrtle Beach, S.C.

The cause of death was not known, said Mike McNeil, vice president of marketing for the Atlanta-based Hooters of America Inc., the operator and franchiser of Hooters.

Brooks, who formerly lived in metro Atlanta for 30 years, flew to Atlanta every week to oversee his two companies, Hooters of America and Naturally Fresh Inc.

Brooks is survived by his wife Tami; son Coby, 37; and daughter Boni Belle, 7.

"He was just a wonderful man, a very giving man," said his brother-in law Jay Springs.......

Well I just bet he was. Having seen pictures, maybe he died of shame over the tragic eyejob?

Ok, so that was tacky but while I'm being tacky might as well go all out.

The names of the survivors tell a tale. Why am I not shocked that the founder of Hooters is married to a girl named 'Tami'. Wonder how old 'Tami' is? Somehow I'm doubting she's the mother of the 37-year-old and the 7-year-old. Is that even physically possible?

I could be completely wrong. Tami could be a dowdy 55-year-old in orthopedic shoes.



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