Monday, July 10, 2006


Picture of concession stand worker running from weekend crowds.

Driving up to the theater, you could see it; Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest was selling a lot of tickets. There were cars parked behind the theater, an area I had never seen cars in before.

The lobby was packed and there were signs at the ticket kiosk announcing the cancellation of another movie due to 'Technical Difficulties'. The 'Difficulties' were that the theater decided to run Pirates on two screens per scheduled showtime.

The Concession crew had a look of genuine panic in their eyes by the time we got to the counter. We ordered our large popcorn and large Diet Coke as I said encouraging things to the poor overworked girl who had just been treated badly by the group of moviegoers who had gone before.

Even with two theaters showing, the auditorium was packed.

So was the movie any good?

It wasn't horrible. There were some good moments, there were some slow spells, it set up the third movie. Isn't that what all second legs of planned trilogies do?


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