Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Sweet Squash?

I really did plan to be good. I was going to order a side salad. And then I saw that squash casserole came with the Reuben and fries at Three Dollar Cafe.

Squash casserole could go a long way to making the Karaoke caterwauling a little easier to bear.

The first sign that I may have found the only squash casserole I didn't like was that there was a melted slice of American cheese laid over the top of theserving bowl. But how bad could it be?

Squash casserole is one of those things that may have never been made exactly the same ever but they're always good. Different, but good. With or without onions, peppers, eggs, cheese, pimentoes, bread crumbs, cracker crumbs, one kind of squash or a variety, it's all good.

This wasn't good. It was sweet. It was so sweet it was like a squash cobbler with American cheese for a crust.

When the Server asked what I thought of it, I asked if she wanted an honest answer. There were a lot of new things on the menu and I thought it was something new they were trying and they wanted to know what customers thought about it.

According to the cook, people love their squash casserole and go there just to eat it. Well I didn't mean for it to become such a big deal and if there are people who like sweet squash they're welcome to mine and I thought people went there for the gazillion giant screen TVs showing sports. As Brick said, 'You don't go to a Sports bar looking for good squash.'


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