Friday, August 18, 2006

Fetish 101

Why are fetishes so exciting? Because they are so hard to fulfill.

Sex is easy these days. It takes little effort for someone to have intercourse with you. Finding a woman that is willing to walk on you in 5 inch stilettos? Not so easy.

First, if you tell a woman you care about that you want them to trample you beneath spike heels, you’re risking serious rejection. “You want me to what? What kind of sick, evil, degenerate are you?”

Look at the case of poor Jack Ryan. He had an out of the ordinary desire. Did he do what 80% of married men do? (Tell some woman that is not their wife) No, he stepped up, was honest, bared his soul, took his wife to a sex club, and told her what he wanted, what he really, really wanted. (Why are the Spice Girls stuck in my head?)

Was poor Jack rewarded for his honesty? Did his wife say ‘Aww Babe, thanks for being honest. What makes you happy makes me happy!’

Nope. Jack ended up divorced and publicly disgraced, his political career in tatters and some stranger in Georgia writing about his sex life years later. That’s what Jack Ryan got for being honest.

So, gorgeous TV star wife will have sex with you any time. Fulfill your deepest desires? Probably not. Which makes them harder to fulfill, which makes them more important, which makes them more arousing, and more gratifying to finally get


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