Friday, August 18, 2006

Does My Butt Look Big In This?

It's the age old question. The one that sends men screaming in terror.

"Does this make my butt look big?"

There are wrong ways to handle this and right ones.

Wrong Way I: Refuse to Answer
Bad Move: It's a sign of trust when a woman asks you this question. It's also a test and a man who refuses to answer loses serious points. The more he whines about how it's an unfair question, the more points that come off of his list. The only reason he will ever have sex with that woman again is because they're already having sex. No woman asks that question of a man she's not already fucking. Unless he's gay.

Wrong Way II: "Your Butt's So Huge Nothing Is Going To Make It Look Good"
Nuclear Explosion Wrong: no need to elaborate

The right answers fall into two basic categories.

If they look ok: "You look great! I want you so bad I can't stand it"

If they really do look bad, they know that. Women are not idiots. This is definitely a test. Are you a coward, cruel, or convinced she's an idiot?

The correct answer is "You know, I like that other outfit a lot better"

No whining, not a lie, major points scored.


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