Sunday, July 30, 2006

Drunken Ramblings

He used to be so cute.

I've seen a lot of DUI arrests over the years. I used to process incident reports where everything the DUI suspect said after initial contact was repeated. I've seen a lot of videotaped arrests. Most of what Mel Gibson said is pretty standard.

Do you know who am I? Check

I'll have your job. Check

Sugar Tits. Check

Drunks are beligerent and obnoxious and chatty.

The anti-semitic stuff? Never heard anything like that in thirty years.

I've heard plenty of black/white comments (You're only arresting me because I'm black/white. Help a brother out. You're an Uncle Tom. Yada yada) but that has to do with who the arresting officer is. It's not some random out there conspiracy bullshit that has nothing to do with what's occuring.


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