Wednesday, September 07, 2005

I am Woman, Hear me Roar

I'm starting to think I must be a lot tougher to live with than I ever realized.

I have a friend whose husband suddenly decided he had the right to snoop through her drawers. Not kitchen drawers that she thought of as hers. Not he was looking for something he had a valid reason for looking for and stumbled onto something that shocked him looking. Full out, looking through her dresser drawers where the only things a husband is going to find are panties and secrets snooping. And of course he found something. In this case a BOB (Battery Operated Boyfriend).

So does this man have the sense to carefully place it where he found it and back away slowly? No. He confronted his wife with how dare she have such an evil thing.

So when she's telling me this story, this is the part where I ask if he's still breathing and I begin to realize maybe other women are easier to live with than me cause I would have been at this guy like a mad chicken scratching at his head.

Instead of meekly asking for the right to privacy, I would have wanted to know what in the sam hill did he think gave him a right to go snooping through my things? And as for my evil BOB, if he'd been halfway doing his job for the last eight freakin years (did I mention that her husband has not kissed her, touched her, or had sex with her in eight years?) maybe I wouldn't have had to go purchase said BOB. Maybe if he was a really good husband we could have bought Ol BOB together and had a good ole time but no he was about useless and not even trustworthy and if you go nosing through my things you just might find something you don't want to see so stay the heck out.

But evidently, that's just me. I think my friend even apologized before it was all over.


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