Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Crazy Times

Has everyone picked this week to lose their collective mind?

While shopping for first aid supplies with Zelda we ran into the mother of one of her best friends from high school. They exchanged the customary small talk, how is this person?, how is that person? And then they got to And how is Mr. Friend's Father? We're getting a divorce.

This was a 'good' family. One of those that always went to church, raised their kids right, had God as the head of their home. And, just like that, it's gone.

Ok, so I'm sure it wasn't just like that for them but I'm willing to bet I'm not the only one surprised at the news.

And now, after 30 years of marriage and 3 kids, this woman is living in a one bedroom apartment, walking places to conserve gas money, and working at Walmart. And I wanted to ask 'Is it worth it?' Not in a mean or judgmental way. I really want to know. Was it worth it to her to give up her home and security for freedom?


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