Friday, November 18, 2005

You only hurt the one you love

Speaking with Merv about Beth and how the more pain she's in the more his ass gets chewed it occured to me...we always holler at the people that love us. How many people go up to complete stangers and yell at them?

It's like kids when their parents divorce. They always seem to be angrier at the parent that loves them most, the one that isn't going to desert them no matter what, the one that will love them anyway. It's safer. The parent you can't count on, who is the one you're probably really angry at, will disappear if yelled at. So maybe you can be mad at the 'safe' parent for their lousy taste in parenting partners but that's usually it.

I can see where Beth is coming from. If I get a cold I'm a raging bitch. She's been in non-stop pain for over 11 months. I would have climbed to the top of a tower with a high powered rifle months ago.

Does understanding it make it any easier for Merv to live with? No, but lord knows he's found his own ways of dealing with it.


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