Thursday, November 17, 2005

Working the Long Con

Tonight Merv is telling me about getting a notice that his youngest's rent hasn't been paid. The boy is 21 and Merv sends him money for his rent and other expenses each month.

He calls him and gets a story about...of course the rent had been was paid in the drop box...are they saying they didn't get it?...That's impossible!

He's upset at the boy's lack of common sense in paying cash and not getting a receipt but it doesn't occur to him that it wasn't the Landlady that's pulling a con.

I am so staying out of this one. Never get in the middle of family. No matter how upset they are with each other, they're going to make up and you'll be the asshole who said something awful about their loved one when you agreed with what they said about them.

And you can't really tell anyone anything anyway. People figure things out when they're ready to deal with it not before.


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