Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The Mighty Red Gumbo

Yesterday went on forever. Brick had a doctor's appointment in another town that required a driver and Zelda flew back in from Part I of her holiday so, since we were all in the area, we took off in search of gumbo.

When Hurricaine Katrina happened a lot of New Orleans residents came to Georgia. In a little town in west Georgia landed a family that included three Chefs who were hired almost immediately by a small local joint and they started cooking cajun and creole food along with the usual BBQ. Word spread and people started traveling to Carrolton to check it out. Last night we went.

We'd never been to Carrolton before so it was like wandering into the wilderness. I'd called ahead and gotten directions and we finally got there, went in and sat down and were handed BBQ menus. Brick and Zelda looked as if someone cancelled Christmas. I went to the counter to ask if this was the right place and was told the creole dishes were the 'specials' and they hadn't had a chance to put the board out yet.

Billy Bobs (owned by Billy and Bob) is in an old fast food place (maybe a Captain D's building?). It's nothing fancy but it was packed, evenly divided between locals and 'fureigners' like us and BBQ eaters and cajun fans.

Brick got the gumbo, Zelda got the ettuiffee (sp?), and I got BBQ. I don't really like cajun food but I'm always up for a road trip. They loved it. The BBQ wasn't worth driving a couple hundred miles for but it was okay. And, most importantly, we got to spend a few hours catching up with one another.

Skip desert cause it's thawed Mrs. Smith's pies and take cash cause they don't know from swipe cards.


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