Friday, November 25, 2005

A friend reacted to the Mona Charen Column "One Marine's Words" but saying that troops who go into the a war situation with sights purchased by their parents and vehicles with donated armor have no business being sent into battle.

The 48th went in with police departments' old body armor stripped out and lining their vehicles so it's still going on and I don't think anyone's happy about it. Part of it is that Humvees are being used in ways they were never intended/designed. Part of it is that's the way it's always been. We used to have to buy a lot of Brick's equipment and he was mainly a Base Marine. It was a lot harder on field Marines and their families usually helped out if they were able.

A huge part of it is the RIF Bush 41 started where readiness was shifted to Guard and Reserve units instead of active duty. A lot of their equipment is stuff that has been surveyed out. They're equipped (and marketed) as go play in the woods a weekend a month and 2 weeks in the summer, get away from the women with the guys and howl, earn some extra cash and college money.

Anyone else want to throw something through the TV when the commercial comes on where the boy tells his Dad about staying at home till they need him? "They need you right now you dumb fuck!' has been hollered at my TV a lot.

Add that the DOT is using this as a way to try out new methods and equipment and you have a Perfect Storm.

BUT, none of this is anything new to the active duty people. It has probably been a harsh wakeup call for a lot of the Reservists and that's a shame, but the people who serve full time know all this and accept it as part of the job they still want to do.


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