Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The Little Things

Most people talk about the big things when they're choosing a life partner. It's the little things that trip you up every time. So I saw a magazine quiz that asked some of the questions about what ends up being really important that most people don't think about...

You Me

A. I don't mind waiting to get into a good concert, movie, or restaurant.
B. If I see a line, I turn right around and leave.

A man who's bald should:
A. Do something about it
B. Just live with it.

A. Dishes should be washed right after dinner.
B. If you leave the dishes until the next morning it's no big deal.

A. Eating in bed is okay.
B. I never eat in bed.

A. I always know exactly where my keys are.
B. My keys are around here somewhere.

A. I prefer a living room with carpet.
B. I prefer a living room with hardwood floors.

A. I like going to parties, but not throwing them.
B. I like throwing parties, but not going to them.
C. I like both going and throwing.
D. Parties aren't my thing.

A. I make sure doors and drawers are closed all the way.
B. I'm the type who leaves doors and drawers open.

It's the little things that make you crazy.


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