Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Settling Accounts

Why does Brick insist I be the one in charge of finances when I totally suck at it? I could put Bill Gates in the poorhouse in six months.

Having a people pleaser in charge of the family money is a monumental mistake but it is fun for everyone but the one who has to worry about keeping the lights on. Ask a people pleaser 'Can we go here, buy this, do this special thing?' and the answer is always 'Yes.' They figure (ok, I figure) they'll find the money later, they'll figure it out later, Peter is always being robbed to pay Paul till the whole thing is about to collapse, the lights are going to get turned off, the car repossessed, and they have (ok, I have) no other choice but to ask for help.

That's when it becomes Brick's problem.

I don't know if a week of frantic financial scrambling is better than having to keep track of it week-by-week, month-by-month or if he likes riding to the rescue so much that that's the payoff, but he has to be getting something out of it. Maybe the payoff is never being told 'No'?

Whatever the reason, even a financial incompetent like me realizes we have enough money coming in, we just don't have any plan at all about how it goes out. And savings? What's that? We have nothing concrete to show for all his hard work.

In many ways I'm blessed. There are people who are trying to survive on a fraction of what we waste.


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