Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Post A Secret

"I should have let you go before we all got hurt. I'm sorry."
I don't even want to think how many years ago. Our children were in grade school. You had one in the Second Grade. I had one in the Fouth. They're grown now.
For a split second I wonder, if we hadn't had each other, if we'd given that kind of attention to our marriages, would they be good ones? And then I realize I had over ten years and you had over twenty to get it right, it wasn't going to happen.
But I also know it's us just as much as them. If we had met and married, we'd be just as far away from one another. We were just too young, immature, guarded to have made it work with anyone then. Not sure how much better we are now. Maybe the reason I can't let go of you is because I'm afraid you're the only person out there as damaged as me.
Tonight you told me how Beth accuses you of cheating and you talked of being innocent and I asked 'And what do you consider this?' and you said you'd never really thought about it.
Gee, thanks.
I wonder who we are, what we are, where we are and you never even considered whatever it is we are as being unfaithful to your wife?


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