Thursday, November 24, 2005

A Very Long Seperation

Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson announced their seperation today. The world was shocked.

When did anyone start thinking that these two would manage to stay together? During the first year of their show when she would say something stupid and he would give her a look you could see the countdown clock to the end of their relationship start up in the corner of the TV screen.

They were young and the only reason they got married was so they could have sex. I would love to get her opinion of saving herself for marriage now. Most young people these days would have dated for awhile, screwed each other's brains out, and drifted apart when the novelty wore off and they had opportunities at different schools, jobs, cities. They may have even managed to be friends after the inevitable breakup. Instead, these kids got to drag this out in public a couple of years past it's expiration date and I doubt any kind of friendship will survive.


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