Thursday, November 24, 2005

57 Screens and Nothing On

I have a long list of movies I want to see. Some I want to see a lot, others just look like they might not be a horrible way to spend a couple of hours. Unfortunately, the ones I really want to see the most aren't playing anywhere near here.

Capote and Good Night, and Good Luck are at the top of my want to see list and I haven't been able to find either. Instead I find myself watching fair to middling things like Derailed and Yours, Mine, and Ours or disappointments like Jarhead and I Walk the Line.

There's a new theater opening next week and I hope that improves my selection but it will probably just have Harry Potter on 6 screens.

I guess I'm just waiting to have my socks knocked off. Derailed seemed to be striving to to have a bunch of shocking twists but they were almost all predictable. Yours, Mine, and Ours was a nice updating of one of my all-time favorites and Dennis Quaid is almost always nice but did they need to have so much goopy stuff? Oh yea, it was a Nickolodeon movie. Jarhead was pretty good but it's a depressing story and I Walk the Line just went on too long about the boring stuff. If you're going to have a movie about two people in love it might help if years don't go by without them seeing one another.

It's Oscar season and there are movies that are promised to be great out there, somewhere, I just wish they were booked in a theater near me.


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