Sunday, December 18, 2005

Speaking of Looking for the Bright Side.....

Yesterday was the start of the big holiday trip to Texas. We got up early, finished the packing, loaded the vehicle, gassed up, got something to eat before tackling Atlanta traffic, and, as we were pulling onto the Interstate, the car died.

Well, if it had to happen, at least it happened when we were close enough to call our favorite mechanic to come get us.

It was a simple problem. An oil line broke and dumped every drop of oil from the engine. Since it sprayed all over the warm motor and smoked it was immediately obvious and no real damage was done but we do get to sit around at home with our suitcases for a few days while we find the part, order the part, install the part....

The worst of it all...worrying that something else will break and it will be far away from home and we'll be stuck in a town somewhere at the mercy of whatever motels and mechanics are there. This has become a month of things that had become safe getting not so safe at all anymore.

But back to looking on the bright side...if I survive, I'll feel like I've accomplished something.


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