Friday, December 09, 2005

According to mom I should be making pancakes

Does anyone actually make pancakes for breakfast anymore? At least real, didn't come out of the freezer pancakes? Even when I was a kid they were a weekend treat or for when you had breakfast for supper. A couple of generations before me, evidently they were such a bother to make that Pancake Houses sprung up in tourist areas across the country, a tradition that lingers on in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. But there is a Mother and Grandmother out there who is telling her daughter she's a bad mother because steamings stacks of flapjacks aren't hitting the breakfast table before school in the mornings.

Why are our Mothers' opinions of our mothering so important to us? Even when you think your Mother was a terrible parent who should have never had children, it's still a crushing blow to have her say 'You're a bad mother.' Most other people, if you don't respect them, their opinion of you doesn't matter very much.

But Mom? You never want to stop pleasing her even when you realize she's incapable of being pleased. Maybe that makes you want to please her all the more?


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