Daddy Issues II
Brick and I got into a gossipy discussion of guys we know who date (prey on?) young girls. Why do some girls, like Zelda, think being approached by older, often married, men is gross and other girls are attracted?
Brick mentioned the theory that they have Daddy issues, that their fathers were absent or unavailable, and I realized that I gave him a hard time all these years for being emotionally distant and undemonstrative and, evidently, he was giving our kids what they really needed from him all along.
He wasn't expressive, or cuddling, or a lap Daddy but they never needed him that he wasn't there, day in, day out, providing, coming home at the end of his shift, bringing home his check at the end of the week, doing without so they'd always have what they needed. He was solid and would never desert them. And he had me to handle all the mushy stuff. And I'm lousy at reliable and dependable.
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